- MovieThe Blues Brothers
- Date & TimeMon, Mar 31 @ 7:30 pm
- AuditoriumThe Porcupine Theater - This screening room features 118 refurbished movie theater seats as well as a cabaret seating area with 20 bar height padded swivel stools and 10 low swivel padded chairs (these seats reserved for people with mobility challenges).
Choose Standard Seat ticket quantity
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Please note: Member discount does not apply to Live ticketed events or Community programming.
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Please note that there are a variety of seating options in the new theater. Please arrive early to secure your preferred seat.
- Movie:The Blues Brothers
- Date:Mon, Mar 31
- Time:7:30 pm
- Theater:Porcupine Theater
- Address:106 W Pioneer Avenue Homer, Alaska 99603
ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE PORCUPINE? Enter your email address in the email field to redeem your free movie!
Please note: Member discount does not apply to Live ticketed events or Community programming.
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